About Us

HardTarget exists to empower normal people with prevention-based knowledge on how to keep safe… and get out of real life conflict situations.

We know what you need to learn.

Our aim is to teach these important life skills in a way that is not stressful to you.

We have the experience to be able to do this. We have trained high-level military operators, security, schools and communities and also Mum’s with anxiety who just want to teach their children to be safe. All are human and all are just as capable of reaching their goals with our help.

Our individualised courses are tailored to teach you what you need to know.

We help you to discover the inner strength that you have and to ‘use what is free’. Having a trust in yourself, not in a remembered ‘move’ is an important step in releasing the fear that stops you being able to react swiftly.

Our knowledge is for everyone.

NZSA Annual Awards

achieved ‘Outstanding Security Training Initiative 2018 – NZDF Security Training Framework and Up-skilling’

Skills Organisation

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National Federation for Personal Safety (NFPS)

Qualified in 2017 to bring latest concepts to NZ

We not only have experience training the military and police but also people within almost every sector of the community. We believe that everyone should feel safe and confident in their world.

HardTarget has an extensive and proven ‘real’ history with long-term partners who trust us. We are the leading providers of personal safety programmes in New Zealand. Our trainers have the experience and knowledge to provide course participants with an in depth knowledge of skills and our online courses are completely unique. Trust us, these guys do:

Quinton Swanson
Director & Senior Enforcement Instructor

The founding Director of Hard Target, Quinton has a lifetime of experience to bring to the table. A well respected Police Officer for 9 years and a private instructor since 1997. He has designed a huge number of professional courses both in NZ and afar, with a common aim to “keep good people safe”.

Email Quinton

Vicky Swanson

Vicky has been a Registered Nurse since 1996 and has helped to build HardTarget. She is passionate about helping people to achieve goals for personal safety and enable individuals to build confidence and learn new skills. She motivates people to stay fit and healthy while having fun at the same time.

Email Vicky

Try it out first!

If you would like to experience what a course will be like, then try our short free quiz and test your understanding of personal safety before you make a commitment to the full course. Enjoy!