Our global reputation for excellence in Conflict Resolution will keep you safer.

Committed to supporting and educating the world with a proactive and preventative approach to violence. We want every human now and in future generations to know foundation survival skills by learning from the specialists.

What we offer:

Individualised workshops, online courses, training via virtual reality platform or a combination of any of these. Trust that we will take away the fear of the unknown and replace it with faith in yourself. You will learn how to keep yourself safe and also those around you. We teach prevention, preparation, planning, escape and evasion for everyone including the following groups:


Specific courses designed for security guards to support you in your enforcement role. Containing everything from practical and physical to legal considerations. All our years of experience in training government agencies now transferred to you, so you can undertake your role with full confidence. Start by enrolling in our online foundation course to learn your core skills.

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Protecting our communities by providing courses for teachers and students. HardTarget not only aligns with the Ministry of Education guidelines for Restricted Movement but also offers a safer approach to Lockdowns. With the added student course we provide cohesion within the school to help it thrive. 


Workplace workshops, online and/or virtual reality option. Happy staff are the best staff and conflict within the workplace is the biggest threat to this. Companies who recognise the importance of a healthy work environment are leading the way and retaining the best staff. We help to create a dynamic, engaging and fun environment through tailored workshops making it beneficial to everyone involved. 

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Military & Law Enforcement

Our industry specific courses are delivered by our subject matter experts directly to personnel within the military and government agencies. Since 1999 our programmes have taught personnel to operate effectively in high-stress, physically charged environments. We have the experience and the reputation to deliver the highest level training to front line operators.

Smart Safety Online

The Smart Safety Foundation course is an online programme created to provide knowledge of how conflict occurs. Awareness and reading the signs is the first step and we have many insights to pass on and safely guide you on your way.  We approach this with a preventative and proactive philosophy. In a reassuring, non-alarming way this course will leave you empowered as it takes the fear out of conflict.

22+ Years

of successful teaching

Government Agency

leading trainer in New Zealand


Only ASP certified
baton and hand cuff
trainer in NZ


of military & ordinary
people already trained

100 Years

combined specialised
military & law enforcement experience

100% Fail Safe

meaning no serious harm or death
has occurred using our concepts
or criminal convictions for misuse

We are passionate about what we do because we know it works.

We have been in business since 1998 and we are New Zealand’s number one authority in lawfully defensible personal safety concepts. We have been trusted to train the NZ Police Force & Military personnel, corrections, ministry of justice, customs service, MAF and many others including internationally.  We were also the expert consultants in the design of the current security training standards within New Zealand. We have a passion for working within schools to help protect our communities better. We believe in what we do because we know it makes a difference.

Violence prevention and conflict resolution does not begin with the physical component, here at HardTarget we have a passion for human behaviour and know that all aspects including emotional & psychological must not be neglected. Conflict is always evolving therefore so must we as the educators, trainers and learners.


Try it out first!

If you would like to experience what a course will be like, then try our short free quiz and test your understanding of personal safety before you make a commitment to the full course. Enjoy!